Friday, August 23, 2013

Who Is This Blogger "AnnaCris?"...


How are my lovely fashionistas doing? I'm back sooner than you thought... See I'm making progress on how often I post. I'm determined to make this work. :)

Now then, did everyone check out my last post "Pain In The Name Of Fashion?" If you did, I would love to know if you agree with me or disagree. Go ahead and comment your opinions. It's a great topic of conversation and I would love to know how far my fashionistas will or will not go in the name of fashion and beauty.

So today on the ride home from work I started thinking how some of the people that read my blog don't know me personally. All they see is a picture of me on my profile and read my opinions on whatever subject I choose to blog about. I figured why not write a post with random facts about me that may give you a better sense of who I am. Who is this person telling me what to wear and what not wear or letting me into her personal life experiences? So I decided to list some random things that may help you get to know my personality a bit better.  Who is AnnaCris? Here goes:

First and foremost, I laugh A LOT! I've even included this on my Twitter bio. I laugh often and I have different laughs as well. My friends think it's hilarious, and they also say my laugh is infectious (ahem... Miss Julisa). #bwahahaa :D

I speak, read and write Spanish fluently. As a kid, my mom made sure I never forgot how to read and write in Spanish. She would have me write letters to my grandparents in the Dominican Republic as practice. Good job mommy! #grateful

Sometimes I talk really fast, especially in Spanish or if I'm nervous. I guess it's that Latin thing. #slowdown

Continuing with the Latin theme, I have that infamous "Latin temper." However, it takes a lot for it to come out and slay you... ;) #fierylatina

I adore reading. My mom enrolled me in my school's book club as a kid and I've been hooked on books ever since. I've been known to finish a book in one day. I have no problem curling up with a good book on any given night. I'll read just about anything. Lately, I'm hooked on Forbes Magazine. #bookworm #nerd

When I was a kid and in my teens, I was super shy but I've outgrown that. Now I consider myself to be quiet and reserved, but if I feel comfortable around you, I'm super crazy and outgoing. However, if I'm in a group, I'm usually the quiet one just observing and taking it all in. Unless it's a group of close friends or family, then we're all just a bunch of nuts! #shhh

When I was born, my eyes were green (my grandfather on my mom's side had green eyes). It's a damn shame they didn't stay that way because hot damn with my skin color and all... Owww! LOL. Rumor is my dad used to call me "his lil pea eyed girl." #awww

This lady right here is naturally ambidextrous. As a child, I could always write with both my right and left hands. My right is the dominant hand, but my left writes almost as perfect. When I sketch, I tend to constantly switch hands... #howcoolisthat :)

I consider myself a "badass" but I'm TERRIFIED of certain bugs! I will scream like five girls if I see one. My "badassness" goes right out the window. Yep, total punk when it comes to those creepers. #eww

I dislike shopping in messy stores. When I open my first store, if any of you come in and make a mess, I will be a very angry fashionista. Please don't do it! :P #tidyup

I'm dying to fly a fighter jet! For realsies! OMG if I were given three wishes, this would be one of them. On that note, Top Gun is one of my all-time favorite movies. #dangerzone

I'm so NOT a morning person. Holy mother of God, I can't EVER wake up in the morning. Yet, I do live the vampire life. Never go to bed before midnight. Don't judge, I'm trying really hard to change that. #mornings #booo

Even though I'm NOT a morning person, I love sunrises. If I'm ever actually up at that ungodly hour, I'm amazed at how absolutely beautiful sunrises are. By the same token, I adore sunsets especially on the beach. I think they're simply breathtaking! #naturegirl

Switching it up, I bet you wouldn't ever think that I have my very own Craftsmen drill and I'm very handy with it. You all don't know about my skills... LOL mmhmm #handygirl

I love playing pranks on my friends and family. I've got jokes, I can be very sassy and I'm very playful. Except if I'm feeling moody. :P #justme

When I'm happy, I sing and when I'm alone, I sing at the top of my lungs without a care. #singitgirl

I do my own manicures and pedicures, and I do a perfect job. Lately mostly out of laziness, I have been going to the nail salon. One thing I never do though is match the colors of either. I love variety and the different bright colors on my hands and toes. #forjulisa [insider]

I took ballet, tap, pointe and modern dance from the age of five until the age of twelve and loved every second of it. I still have all my costumes from all the shows we did. Being Latin and all, I love to dance; I think it's in our blood. In my country, Dominican Republic, merengue is the music of choice, but I also love salsa and bachata which is the American equivalent of country music I guess. Salsa is my favorite to dance though. A man who can dance salsa, turns and all will have my heart! #movethatbody

I'm very sentimental. I mean VERY! I cry watching sad movies, over happy endings (real or make believe), while reading a book and even if I see someone else crying. Basically, I'm a sap! #totalmush

I love listening to the rain when I'm under the covers all cozy. On a rainy day if I don't have to go out, I will read a book or take long naps and let the sound lull me to sleep. So needless to say that I love naps! #dreamer

Because of terrible allergies, asthma and nasal polyps, I suffer from anosmia which is the loss of the sense of smell. Bummers... This happened in my late 20's and I regret not getting treatment for these polyps sooner. I've had two surgeries to remove them and they always come back (like that ex... LOL). The only way I can get my sense of smell back is if I stay on medication which I don't unless I really need it. #cantsmelltheroses :(

When I was a kid, I wanted to be three things when I grew up: A pilot, a ballet dancer or a fashion designer. None of the three have anything in common, yes I know. However, I think one of them is close to coming true! #itcanhappen

Let's continue with the pilot theme here... I love the feeling when a plane takes off! It's exhilarating and I swear I want to be right in the cockpit with the pilot. #sofly

I LOVE white roses. I think they're so pure, delicate, classy and romantic. #favoriteflower

When I was in elementary school, I was part of the school's chorus and dance group. In junior high school I was in the band and although it was not my instrument of choice, I played the clarinet. So see, I sing at the top of my lungs and sometimes it may not sound so bad. #hitthatnote

I'm in no way ashamed to say that I can curse like a trucker and sailor put together... dare I say one? Nah, you all can imagine it. Oh come on, sometimes you just have to add a curse to your vocabulary. It enhances and gets your point across so much better. #sothere haaa, bet you thought the hashtag would be a curse... :P

When I was in second grade, my teacher suggested that I should be skipped to the fourth grade because I was way ahead of the other students. My mom said she preferred I stayed put. When I was in junior high school, I won the school's spelling bee. Mmhmm, I was a very good student. #smartcookie 

I love pizza, McDonald's, pancakes, chocolate cake, snickers, hershey's caramel kisses and haagen daz ice cream. I adore the beach, swimming, dogs, wearing hoodies, boots, crossword puzzles, the color yellow and yes, a little bit of politics. #favorites

Although I like shopping with the girls I have to admit that when I shop for myself, I prefer to shop alone. I know exactly what I like and where I like to shop so it's pretty quick. #impatient #picky

One of my dreams is to someday meet designer Oscar de la Renta. His work is so amazing, elegant and classy. I would love to have a conversation with him, and it's wonderful that he's my fellow Dominican! #fashionwishes

Hands down, I prefer texting over talking on the phone. However, if a friend or family member really needs me, I'm there or if it's someone special *wink wink* I can talk for hours. Major props to the inventor of texting though! #antisocial :)

Thank the heavens that I never had to wear braces and not for nothing, but I have perfect teeth... How did that happen? #oowww #smile

My mom taught me how to cook at the age of 12. Oh yes I can cook a good ole home-cooked Latin meal like the best of them. Even better is that I can make pancakes from scratch. Truthfully though, I hardly cook these days. #lazy but #yumsies

I love to paint. When I sketch, I usually paint them instead of using colored pencils or markers. #artsy

I get so sad when I see someone eating alone for some reason. I feel like they're lonely and I just want to keep them company. #softy

I have two huge pet peeves: The first is nail biting. OMG it drives me crazy. I can't stand watching anyone do it. The second is repeating myself. Sheesh, can we say instant annoyance. #what #dislike

I remember the majority of my dreams. In my dreams I speak both English and Spanish depending on who’s in them. A few weeks ago for the first time, I had a dream in black and white. It was sad! #sandman

A few things on my bucket list: Riding a horse, learning how to play the drums, traveling to Italy and maybe living there, owning a ranch with animals, a lake and my own vegetable and flower garden and buying my mom a house. It's never too late to do anything. #mytodolist

I used to like to drive but now, not so much. I prefer watching the scenery... It's that whole "observing" thing. #smelltheroses

I never leave home without my iPod. I think music can be healing and soothes the soul although if I'm feeling down, I tend not to even listen, it makes me sadder. I know it's kind of contradicting but that's just me. #music

When people bombard me with tons of questions, it exasperates me. Like seriously, stop and take a deep breath. #relax

I have a sarcastic, dry sense of humor at times. No really, I do... #haaa

I listen to country music. So there! I said it... #heartbreakers

I can't for the life of me hide however I'm feeling. My facial expressions say it all... It's annoying because sometimes you just don't want to talk but my friends pick up on something being wrong. Darn those expressions! #pokerface

I'm pretty tech savvy. I know it's kind of nerdy, but I like to call it nerdy chic. #geek

I actually know how to crochet but haven't done it in forever. One of my cousins taught me when I was a teen. It's very relaxing. I really want to learn how to knit though. I'm thinking I can incorporate this into a clothing line or something. #creativity

I may be quiet, but I have a lot to say. This is another reason why I started this blog. I feel that I have so many thoughts in my head but I get nervous speaking in public. I definitely express myself better in writing. I tend to write as if I'm speaking to you. #conversations

I've met some really great people on Facebook. Some of my closest friends these days are my girls Melissa, Tori and Tracy - All three I've met via Facebook and have now formed an everlasting friendship. #mygirls #adore

I'm an old soul when it comes to certain things. I like tradition, sometimes a loner, I love talking to older people and listening to their wisdom from back in the day... Don't get me wrong, I love these times as well but I feel like I could probably make it just as well in another time period. #reflections

And last but not least, and a very important one I might add:

I still believe in romance and true love. Even though I've been really hurt and disappointed a few times, I still believe that true love does exist somewhere. But then again, I feel that real love, that love that comes from the heart, the soul and your spirit, that love that comes with respect and loyalty is lacking in the world these days and I think it's so sad. However, I still hope to find it one day. #believer

So there you have it my loves. I hope you've gotten to know a little bit more about the person behind this blog and that you've liked what you've learned. Maybe you will consider commenting more or emailing me and perhaps it will be the beginning of a new and wonderful friendship. I hope I've made you laugh, smile, chuckle, roll your eyes, snicker... LOL. Whatever the reaction, I wanted to give you a better picture of myself. If there's anything you'd like to know about me, you may certainly ask. As always, please feel free to comment below. Go! #engage

Once again, thank you for stopping by my "Open Closet."

Until next time my loves!

AnnaCris <3


  1. Hey babes.. You are truly one of the coolest gals I know... I've been tossing and turning for about an hour, so I picked up my pc and logged on.. And what do I see?? A new blog... So I begin to read... And read!!! Whoa, you're a windy one, with this blog.. haha *wink* But wow, how I enjoyed reading it.. A lot of what I read, I knew.. But was pleasantly surprised at a lot.. I didn't know you are ambidextrous.. SO AM I... I got it from my grandmother.. My right hand is my dominant hand.. And although I do so much with both hands, unlike you, my writing isn't very good with my left.. It's legible, but not to my liking.. I know I've told you this before, but after reading this blog, I know for real, we have A LOT in common.. So much that I read, I would say to myself, "Me too".. haha

    And as I continued reading, I was so touched to read that you talked about me and our friendship.. How totally cool that was.. Thanks honey...

    You rocked out another awesome blog my friend.. It was cool to write one talking about yourself so people can get to know some things about you... I <3 you xoxo

  2. OMG what a wonderful comment babes!! I'm so happy you liked it. LOL I know it was winded, and I cut some things out so imagine...

    Wow on the ambidextrous thing! I don't know who I got it from but it came on early like as soon as I learned to write. I think it's the coolest thing ever, especially when I'm sketching.

    It's crazy how you and I are so alike right down to our birthdays. We were destined to be friends. Gotta thank dear old Facebook for it :). I definitely had to mention you because you hold such a special place in my heart.

    Thank you for commenting and again, it makes me so happy that you liked it and that you found new things that we have in common or things you had yet to learn about me. So far, I've gotten good feedback on this one and I just posted it so YAY! I <3 you x a million as always! xoxo
