Well hello there my lovely fashionistas. It's been a long while since I've connected with you and for this I send my apologies. I know, I know you must be thinking... What a slacker! Well, you're right, that and just not finding the words to write. I hope that you gals and guys missed me though.
So on this Christmas Eve I wanted to write a short post to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and thank you for your support from the moment I decided to start this blog. I cherish each of you immensely because your support encouraged me to continue writing albeit, with a bit of slacking. ;)
I wish you all a wonderful night and Christmas day. For those that prefer Holiday, then Happy Holidays to you. Let's all remember the meaning of this time of the year. A time to be grateful for all our blessings, a time to reflect on the year that we will soon be leaving behind us and see how each day made us better and stronger. A season to say thank you for the good and also the bad because without the bad, we would not grow, learn and reflect on how to make ourselves better. A time to spend with family and friends, to share with co-workers, acquaintances and people that make our days a little brighter no matter the role they play in our lives. Remember it's the little things we do for others that make a huge difference. A smile, a hug, a thank you... These are the things that matter in our everyday lives.
Let's also remember those who for whatever reason will be spending this time alone, those who are far away from their loved ones, working, are sick and in hospitals, those that are homeless, those who are fighting the awful battle of depression and sadness, our troops that are deployed - let's pray for their safety tonight and every other night until they come home. Let's take a moment to say a prayer for them, to wish them a more encouraging new season and send them a multitude of blessings.
This being said, may you all have a wonderful night, a wonderful Christmas day and may the new season that is entering our lives be a great one for each of you. Once again, I thank you with all my heart for visiting my blog and supporting this endeavor. I appreciate all of you!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and cheers to you my loves!
AnnaCris <3
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